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Where Is Goodneighbor Fallout 4

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This page lists all Goodneighbor terminals.

  • 1Bobbi's Terminal
  • 2Hotel Registry
  • 3Fred Allen's Terminal
  • 4Hancock's Terminal
  • 5Irma's Terminal
  • 6Kleo's Terminal

Good Neighbor Group Home

Bobbi's Terminal

Nov 03, 2016 There are three warehouses in Goodneighbor that need to be cleared out of enemies. Welcome to the world of Fallout 4, the ambitious fourth game in the apocalyptic RPG saga. Goodneighbor is one of the major locations found in Fallout 4. It is home to criminals, mobsters, and synths trying to escape from The Institute and trying to make a life in the Commonwealth. Fallout 4 Walkthrough Fallout 76 Concord Medford Salem Weston Cambridge Boston Goodneighbor Road to Freedom Boston Airport Natick South Boston Quincy World Map Bobbleheads Magazines Grognak The Barbarian Wasteland Survival Guide Astoundingly Awesome Robco Fun!

Goodneighbor Expanded At Fallout 4 Nexus - Mods And Community

Note:This desk terminal is located on the desk in the second floor closet (formerly bathroom) within Bobbi's place. It is locked Average.

Welcome USER: Bobbi_N_Nose

Recon Notes

I finally got my hands on a map of underground Boston! I knew planting one of my men at the Mass State House would pay off.
As expected, the Raiders there weren't hard to work. Those idiots can't even read! They kidnapped some luckless scavenger to read through what they find, looking for some big treasure in there. The fools don't know the importance of what they are holding!
That's the problem with Raiders. They think too small.

The Map

So, here's what I know.
The map was drawn under orders of some city planner at the State House, a Sebastian Mullins. And right before bomb day! Looks like the city was planning on expanding the subway system, but the big kaboom ended that. At least somebody'll be able to make use of it.
The map shows a subway tunnel not too far from my own basement here in Goodneighbor! And from there, a network of underground utility areas that lead right to that bastard's strongroom. All I have to do is dig through and I'm in like Flynn!
Looks like I am picking up where you left off, Mr. Mullins. Let's go dig some tunnels!


Hancock had a word with me today. Said he was worried about me hiring up. That he suspects I'm up to something.
I told him I'm always up to something. Told him to get out until he has news for me.
I am so sick of Hancock and his dumb smug mug. The second anybody else gets any power around these parts, he comes in and squashes it.
He thinks everyone who has the privilege of living in this dump owes him everything.
He's wrong. He owes me for the time I wasted here. I'm gonna be somebody. I'll show him.

Hotel Registry

Note:This wall terminal is located behind the receptionist desk within the Hotel Rexford.

Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
Clair Hutchins, Hotel Manager

Fred Allen

Despite my sensible objections, Marowski has allowed Fred Allen to relocate the trifling remains of this family's once vast chem business to the basement.
At least that oaf sleeps down there instead of in the guest rooms. Heaven knows what kind of sty he's wallowing in.

Stan Slavin

Stan will always have a place here, of course. And to think, we used to have dozens of good men like him looking after this place.

See Full List On

Ghoul from Vault-Tec

No other name given. He's upstairs in the guest rooms and rarely leaves. At least he's quiet.


Occassionally rents a room here for 'the acoustics' whatever that means.

Rufus Rubins

Mister Rubins has a standing deal to trade room and board in exchange for various handyman services.


Our entire staff for this hotel comprises myself and one remaining janitor, who I think only works here for easy access to Fred's chem stash.

Fred Allen's Terminal

Note:This desk terminal is located on a cabinet in the basement of the Hotel Rexford. It is locked Novice.

Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink

When In Doubt, Do It All

Top Experiment: Try Everything

The secret to being a great chem dealer? Personal experience, man. That's why I'm going to try everything. But chemistry is like, science, you know? So we're gonna log every hit I take.
The better I can understand the high, the better I can sell that to the customers. I swear, sometimes I scare myself I'm so smart.

Chem Diary: Jet

Oh, man. JET! That's why they call it JET, man! Wooo! I'm flying! FLYING BABY!

Chem Diary: Mentats

Oh man, I feel, like, 'loquacious.' I don't even know what that MEANS, man! But it's like my brain is just putting it all together faster than I can even process it.

Chem Diary: Buffout

Experiment One: Punch through a board.
Results: Oh yeah. That was easy.
Experiment Two: Punch through TEN boards.
Results: I'm invincible! This is like, some comic-book level strength.
Experiment Three: Punch through STEEL boards, man!
Results: Typing with my left hand. Gotta cook some Stimpaks.

Chem Diary: Psycho

Had to get Rufus to rebuild this terminal. I was on the Psycho high and I was typing and I just.. man it was like I couldn't NOT be angry. Just started PUNCHING the keys, man! PUNCHING THEM! PUNCHING AND PUNCHING AND..
I think maybe I should lie down..

Hancock's Terminal

Note:This desk terminal is located on the desk within Hancock's room of the Old State House.

Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
Stay Free, Hancock. Stay Free.

Monthly Collections

Third Rail (1,000) - Gotta hand it to Charlie and Magnolia, they keep the caps coming.
Hotel Rexford (100) - Marowski ain't what he used to be.
Kill or Be Killed (550) - Kleo's good at the 'sexy and scary' routine. I can relate.
Daisy's Discounts (480) - Good old Daisy. Can buy/sell anything.

Intel Report: Quarry

Traders report increased gunner activity around quarry. Keep an eye on this.

Intel Report: Valentine

Diamond City: Rumors that Valentine has gone missing. Skinny Malone possibly involved. Assasinated? Doubtful, Valentine is more resourceful than that.

Intel Report: Brotherhood

Note:This entry only appears after the Brotherhood of Steel arrive in the Commonwealth.

Brotherhood of Steel just showed up in a big way. Need to get some eyes there. Can't afford not to know their plans.

Irma's Terminal

Note:This desk terminal is located on the desk within the second floor bedroom of the Memory Den. It is locked Novice, although it can be accessed with Irma's Terminal Password.

Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
Here's to Good Times and Good Memories.

Client: Kent Connolly

Where Is Goodneighbor Fallout 4

All of his memories are about that Silver Shroud radio show he's always going on about. That reminds me, I keep telling him to keep all of his posters and toys inside his room. They always seem to spill out into the main floor.
Poor Kent. People may gossip about the Den taking advantage of him, but the truth is he's our biggest charity case. If I lived to be over 200, I know I'd be tired of the real world, too. What's the harm in letting him dream a little longer than the next fella?
Amari put in some safety settings into his Memory Lounger so he doesn't starve himself to death. Far as I'm concerned, if he wants to live out the rest of his days plugged in and occassionally waking up to eat and stare at his poster collection, that's his choice.

Client: Hancock

Mayor Hancock's memories are.. well, let's just say if you thought he was handsome and dangerous now, you should've seen him before he turned ghoul. And I thought I knew how to have a good time..

Client: Fred Allen

Fred Allen at the Hotel Rexford keeps coming in, high as the day is long. One day he comes in on Jet, and asks for a memory of him being on Buffout. He says it's 'for an experiment.'
Getting stoned on Jet, and then playing a memory of yourself being stoned on Buffout WHILE you're still stoned on Jet..
Well, you have to admire his committment.

Client: Clair Hutchins

Clair's memories are quite vivid. Amari says she must have 'one of those brains' with great attention to detail. Maybe that's why she's so meticulous.
Oh, and she sure had a cute husband back when she was younger. I can see why she misses him.

Client: Daisy

I love the irony of a staunch opponent of the Den coming in to sample the goods. Temptation. It gets us all in the end.
Reminder to myself: Daisy may not look it now, but there's a reason she's lived to be such a ripe, old age. Best that no one knows she ever came here. I don't need a reason for the hellion side of her coming out, looking for pay back.

Kleo's Terminal

Note:This wall terminal is located on the western wall of the second floor of Kill or Be Killed. It is locked Novice.

Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
Have a Plant to Kill Everyone You Meet

Contingency Plan: Daisy

Laser shot at long range. She is too close to home for outright assault to be viable without suspicion.

Contingency Plan: Hancock

Kill bodyguard first. Strangulation while she sleeps. Then load all doses of chems in the Old State House with poisons. Collateral damage possible, but losses acceptable without too much disruption to the business.

Contingency Plan: Neighborhood Watch

Wait until Super Mutant or Raider attack. High explosives at key areas of the defensive perimeter. Relocation necessary afterwards as Goodneighbor would be left vulnerable.

Contingency Plan: Bobbi

Sensors picked up digging sounds recently. Workers and guards being hired at high rates.
Wait until night. Sneak into hideout. Dismantle lights then kill one by one.

Contingency Plan: Whitechapel Charlie

Pay off one of his associates. Good help is so hard to hold onto these days.

Contingency Plan: Magnolia

A fellow working girl. Deserves a chance.
Burn down the Third Rail as a warning. If she resists after that, clean shot to the head.

Retrieved from ''
Aug 25, 2017

Fallout 4 Locations List

This guide as all the teleporting commands of the game.


  • coc Abandonedshackext
  • coc Abernathyfarmext
  • coc Andrewstationext
  • coc ArcJetSystemsext
  • coc AtlanticOfficesext
  • coc AtomCatsgarageext
  • coc BackBayext
  • coc BackStreetApparelext
  • coc BADTFLregionalofficeext
  • coc BeaconHillext
  • coc BeantownBreweryext
  • coc BedfordStationext
  • coc BigJohn'ssalvageext
  • coc BostonAirportext
  • coc BostonBuglebuildingext
  • coc BostonCommonext
  • coc BostonHarborext
  • coc Bostonmayoralshelterext
  • coc BostonPolicerationingsiteext
  • coc BostonPublicLibraryext
  • coc BoylstonClubext
  • coc BreakheartBanksext
  • coc BunkerHillext
  • coc C.I.T.ruinsext
  • coc CabotHouseext
  • coc CambridgeCampusDinerext
  • coc Cambridgecraterext
  • coc Cambridgeext
  • coc CambridgePoliceStationext
  • coc CambridgePolymerLabsext
  • coc Campuslawofficesext
  • coc Capsizedfactoryext
  • coc Caveext
  • coc Charlestownext
  • coc CharlesViewAmphitheaterext
  • coc ChestnutHillockReservoirext
  • coc Coastalcottageext
  • coc CoastGuardPierext
  • coc CollegeSquareext
  • coc Collegiateadministrationbuildingext
  • coc CombatZoneext
  • coc ConcordCivicAccessext
  • coc Concordext
  • coc ConcordSpeakeasyext
  • coc Corvegaassemblyplantext
  • coc Countycrossingext
  • coc Covenantext
  • coc CraterHouseext
  • coc CraterofAtomext
  • coc CroupManorext
  • coc CustomHousetowerext
  • coc CutlerBendext
  • coc D.B.TechnicalHighSchoolext
  • coc DarkHollowpondext
  • coc DartmouthProfessionalBuildingext
  • coc Decayedreactorsiteext
  • coc Decrepitfactoryext
  • coc DiamondCityext
  • coc DiamondCitymarketext
  • coc DrumlinDinerext
  • coc DunwichBorersext
  • coc EastBostonpolicestationext
  • coc EastBostonPreparatorySchoolext
  • coc EasyCityDownsext
  • coc EdgeoftheGlowingSeaext
  • coc EgretToursMarinaext
  • coc ElectricalHobbyist'sclubext
  • coc Esplanadeext
  • coc FairlineHillEstatesext
  • coc FallenSkybridgeext
  • coc Fallon'sdepartmentstoreext
  • coc FaneuilHallext
  • coc Federalrationstockpileext
  • coc Federalsupplycache84NEext
  • coc Fensstreetsewerext
  • coc Fiddler'sGreenTrailerEstatesext
  • coc FinancialDistrictext
  • coc Finchfarmext
  • coc ForestGrovemarshext
  • coc Forgottenchurchext
  • coc FortHagenext
  • coc FortHagenfillingstationext
  • coc FortHagensatellitearrayext
  • coc FortHagenTownshipext
  • coc FortStrongext
  • coc FourLeaffishpackingplantext
  • coc FraternalPost115ext
  • coc Garagealcoveext
  • coc GardenTerraceext
  • coc GeneralAtomicsfactoryext
  • coc GeneralAtomicsGalleriaext
  • coc GibsonPointpierext
  • coc Goodneighborext
  • coc Gorskicabinext
  • coc Graygardenext
  • coc GreaterMassbloodclinicext
  • coc GreenetechGeneticsext
  • coc GreentopNurseryext
  • coc Gunnersplazaext
  • coc Gwinnettbreweryext
  • coc Gwinnettrestaurantext
  • coc HalluciGenExt
  • coc Hangman'sAlleyext
  • coc Harbormasterhotelext
  • coc HardwareTownext
  • coc HaymarketMallext
  • coc HestersConsumerRoboticsext
  • coc HomePlateext
  • coc HopesmarchPentecostalChurchext
  • coc HubCityAutoWreckersext
  • coc HubrisComicsext
  • coc Hugo'sHoleext
  • coc HydeParkext
  • coc IrishPrideIndustriesshipyardext
  • coc JalbertBrothersDisposalext
  • coc JamaicaPlainext
  • coc KendallHospitalext
  • coc KingsportLighthouseext
  • coc LakeCochituateext
  • coc LakeQuannapowittext
  • coc LaytonTowersext
  • coc Lexingtonapartmentsext
  • coc Lexingtonext
  • coc Libertaliaext
  • coc ListeningPostBravoext
  • coc LonelyChapelext
  • coc LongneckLukowski'sCanneryext
  • coc Lynnpierparkingext
  • coc LynnWoodsext
  • coc MahkraFishpackingext
  • coc MaldenCenterext
  • coc MaldenMiddleSchoolext
  • coc Maldenpolicestationext
  • coc MaldenTownshipext
  • coc MassachusettsStateHouseext
  • coc MassBaymedicalcenterext
  • coc MassFusionbuildingext
  • coc MassFusioncontainmentshedext
  • coc MassFusiondisposalsiteext
  • coc MassPikeInterchangeext
  • coc MassPikeTunnelEastext
  • coc MassPikeTunnelWestext
  • coc Med-TekResearchext
  • coc MedfordMemorialhospitalext
  • coc MedicalCentermetroext
  • coc MiltonGeneralhospitalext
  • coc MonsignorPlazaext
  • coc Murkwaterconstructionsiteext
  • coc MuseumofFreedomext
  • coc MuseumofWitchcraftext
  • coc MysticPinesext
  • coc NahantChapelext
  • coc Nahantext
  • coc NahantOceanologicalSocietyext
  • coc NahantSherrif'sDepartmentext
  • coc NahantWharfext
  • coc NatickBanksext
  • coc Natickext
  • coc NatickPoliceDepartmentext
  • coc Nationalguardbarracksext
  • coc Nationalguardrecruitmentofficeext
  • coc NationalGuardtrainingyardext
  • coc NeponsetParkext
  • coc NH&MFreightDepotext
  • coc Nordhagenbeachext
  • coc NorthEndext
  • coc O'Neillfamilymanufacturingext
  • coc OberlandStationext|coc OberlandStation
  • coc OldCornerbookstoreext
  • coc OldGranaryburyinggroundext
  • coc OldGulletsinkholeext
  • coc OldNorthChurchext
  • coc OldRoboticsext
  • coc OutpostZimonjaext
  • coc ParkStreetstationext
  • coc ParkviewApartmentsext
  • coc ParsonsCreameryext
  • coc ParsonsStateInsaneAsylumext
  • coc Peabodyhouseext
  • coc PickmanGalleryext
  • coc PolicePrecinct8ext
  • coc PoseidenEnergyTurbine18-Fext
  • coc PoseidonEnergyext
  • coc PoseidonReservoirext
  • coc PostalSquareext
  • coc PrewarSanctuaryExt01
  • coc PrydwenHull01ext
  • coc qasmoke
  • coc Quincyext
  • coc Quincypolicestationext
  • coc QuincyQuarriesext
  • coc Quincyruinsext
  • coc RadioTower3SM-U81ext
  • coc Rangercabinext
  • coc ReconBunkerThetaext
  • coc redrocketext
  • coc ReebMarinaext
  • coc RelayTower0BB-915ext
  • coc RelayTower0DB-521ext
  • coc RelayTower0SC-527ext
  • coc RelayTower1DL-109ext
  • coc RevereBeachstationext
  • coc Reveresatellitearrayext
  • coc Roboticsdisposalgroundext
  • coc RoboticsPioneerParkext
  • coc RockyCaveext
  • coc RockyNarrowsParkext
  • coc Rookfamilyhouseext
  • coc Rottenlandfillext
  • coc Salemext
  • coc Sanctuaryext
  • coc SandyCovesConvalescentHomeext
  • coc SaugusIronworksext
  • coc ScrapPalaceext
  • coc Sentinelsiteext
  • coc ShawHighSchoolext
  • coc SkylanesFlight1665ext
  • coc SkylanesFlight1981ext
  • coc Slocum'sJoeCorporateHQext
  • coc SomervillePlaceext
  • coc SouthBostonext
  • coc SouthBostonHighSchoolext
  • coc SouthBostonmilitarycheckpointext
  • coc SouthBostonPoliceDepartmentext
  • coc SpectacleIslandext
  • coc StarlightDriveInext
  • coc SuffolkCountycharterschoolext
  • coc SunshineTidingsco-opext
  • coc Super-DuperMartext
  • coc superdupermartext
  • coc Swan'sPondext
  • coc Taffingtonboathouseext
  • coc TenpinesBluffext
  • coc TheaterDistrictext
  • coc TheCastleext
  • coc TheFensext
  • coc TheInstituteext
  • coc ThePrydwenext
  • coc TheShamrockTaphouseext
  • coc TheSlogext
  • coc ThicketExcavationsext
  • coc TrinityPlazaext
  • coc TrinityTowerext
  • coc TuckerMemorialBridgeext
  • coc UFOcrashsite01
  • coc UniversityPointext
  • coc USAFSatelliteStationOliviaext
  • coc USSConstitutionext
  • coc Vault-TecRegionalHQext
  • coc Vault111ext
  • coc Vault114ext
  • coc Vault75ext
  • coc Vault81ext
  • coc Vault95ext
  • coc Vertibirdwreckageext
  • coc WaldenPondext
  • coc Warwickhomesteadext
  • coc WattzConsumerElectronicsext
  • coc WaypointEchoext
  • coc WestEverettEstatesext
  • coc WestingEstateext
  • coc Westonwatertreatmentplantext
  • coc WestRoxburyext
  • coc WestRoxburystationext
  • coc WickedShippingFleetLockupext
  • coc Wildwoodcemeteryext
  • coc WilsonAtomatoysCorporateHQext
  • coc WilsonAtomatoysfactoryext
  • coc Workhouseext
  • coc WreckoftheFMSNorthernStarext
  • coc WreckoftheUSSRiptideext
  • coc WRVRbroadcaststationext
  • coc Yangtzeext

Nuka World

  • Dry Rock Gulch: coc NukaWorldWildWestGateA01
  • Galactic Zone: coc DLC04GalacticZoneExt
  • Kiddie Kingdom: coc KiddieKingdomExt
  • Power Plant: coc NukaWorldPowerPlantExt
  • Safari Adventure: coc SafariAdventureGate01
  • Fizztop Grille Patio (Near Bed): coc NukaWorldNukaTownUSA07
  • Bradberton (Town): coc BradbertonExt
  • Bradberton Overpass: coc BradbertonOverpassExt
  • Evan's Home: coc DLC04POIBB14
  • Grandchester Mystery Mansion: coc DLC04GrandchesterMansionEXT
  • Morton Residence: coc DLC04POIBB04
  • Nuka-World Junkyard: coc DLC04JunkyardExt01
  • Nuka-World Power Plant: coc NukaWorldPowerPlantCheckpointExt
  • Wixon's Shovel Museum: coc DLC04POIBB10

Far Harbor

  • Dalton Farm: coc DLC03DaltonFarmExt
  • Echo Lake Lumber: coc EchoLakeLumberExt
  • Longfellow's Cabin: coc LongfellowsCabinExt
  • National Park Visitor's Center: coc NationalParkVisitorsCenterExt
  • Aldersea Day Spa: coc AlderseaDaySpaExt
  • Acadia Observatory: coc AcadiaObservatoryExt
  • Acadia (Interior): coc DLC03Acadia
  • Beaver Creek Lanes: coc BeaverCreekLanesExt
  • Briney's Bait and Tackle: coc DLC03POI14
  • Brooke's Head Lighthouse: coc BrookesHeadLighthouseExt
  • Children of Atom Shrine: coc DLC03POI24
  • Cliff's Edge Hotel: coc CliffsEdgeHotelExt
  • Cranberry Island Docks: coc Dlc03poi04
  • DiMA's Cache: coc DLC03MQ06DigSiteExt
  • Eagle's Cove Tannery: coc EaglesCoveTanneryExt
  • Eden Meadows Cinemas: coc EdenMeadowsCinemasExt
  • Fringe Cove Docks: coc FringeCoveDocksext
  • Glowing Grove: coc DLC03POI39
  • Haddock Cove: coc HaddockCoveext
  • Harbor Grand Hotel: coc HarborGrandHotelExt
  • Horizon Flight 1207: coc HorizonFlight1207ext
  • Kitteredge Pass: coc KitteredgePassext
  • MS Azalea: coc MSAzaleaExt
  • National Park Campground: coc NationalParkCampgroundExt
  • National Park HQ: coc NationalParkHQExt
  • Northwood Ridge Quarry: coc NorthwoodRidgeQuarryExt
  • Nucleus (Children of Atom): coc NucleusExt
  • Oceanarium: coc DLC03POI54
  • Radiant Crest Shrine: coc DLC03POI12
  • Rayburn Point: coc RayburnPointExt
  • Rock Point Camp: coc RockPointCampExt
  • Ruined Church: coc DLC03POI37
  • Ruined Radio Tower: coc RuinedRadioTowerExt
  • Southwest Harbor: coc SouthwestHarborext
  • The Last Plank (Bar): coc DLC03FarHarborLastPlank
  • Waves Crest Orphanage: coc DLC03POI45
  • Vim! Pop Factory: coc VimPopFactoryExt
  • Zephyr Ridge Camp: coc ZephyrRidgeCampExt
Where Is Goodneighbor Fallout 4

Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
Clair Hutchins, Hotel Manager

Fred Allen

Despite my sensible objections, Marowski has allowed Fred Allen to relocate the trifling remains of this family's once vast chem business to the basement.
At least that oaf sleeps down there instead of in the guest rooms. Heaven knows what kind of sty he's wallowing in.

Stan Slavin

Stan will always have a place here, of course. And to think, we used to have dozens of good men like him looking after this place.

See Full List On

Ghoul from Vault-Tec

No other name given. He's upstairs in the guest rooms and rarely leaves. At least he's quiet.


Occassionally rents a room here for 'the acoustics' whatever that means.

Rufus Rubins

Mister Rubins has a standing deal to trade room and board in exchange for various handyman services.


Our entire staff for this hotel comprises myself and one remaining janitor, who I think only works here for easy access to Fred's chem stash.

Fred Allen's Terminal

Note:This desk terminal is located on a cabinet in the basement of the Hotel Rexford. It is locked Novice.

Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink

When In Doubt, Do It All

Top Experiment: Try Everything

The secret to being a great chem dealer? Personal experience, man. That's why I'm going to try everything. But chemistry is like, science, you know? So we're gonna log every hit I take.
The better I can understand the high, the better I can sell that to the customers. I swear, sometimes I scare myself I'm so smart.

Chem Diary: Jet

Oh, man. JET! That's why they call it JET, man! Wooo! I'm flying! FLYING BABY!

Chem Diary: Mentats

Oh man, I feel, like, 'loquacious.' I don't even know what that MEANS, man! But it's like my brain is just putting it all together faster than I can even process it.

Chem Diary: Buffout

Experiment One: Punch through a board.
Results: Oh yeah. That was easy.
Experiment Two: Punch through TEN boards.
Results: I'm invincible! This is like, some comic-book level strength.
Experiment Three: Punch through STEEL boards, man!
Results: Typing with my left hand. Gotta cook some Stimpaks.

Chem Diary: Psycho

Had to get Rufus to rebuild this terminal. I was on the Psycho high and I was typing and I just.. man it was like I couldn't NOT be angry. Just started PUNCHING the keys, man! PUNCHING THEM! PUNCHING AND PUNCHING AND..
I think maybe I should lie down..

Hancock's Terminal

Note:This desk terminal is located on the desk within Hancock's room of the Old State House.

Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
Stay Free, Hancock. Stay Free.

Monthly Collections

Third Rail (1,000) - Gotta hand it to Charlie and Magnolia, they keep the caps coming.
Hotel Rexford (100) - Marowski ain't what he used to be.
Kill or Be Killed (550) - Kleo's good at the 'sexy and scary' routine. I can relate.
Daisy's Discounts (480) - Good old Daisy. Can buy/sell anything.

Intel Report: Quarry

Traders report increased gunner activity around quarry. Keep an eye on this.

Intel Report: Valentine

Diamond City: Rumors that Valentine has gone missing. Skinny Malone possibly involved. Assasinated? Doubtful, Valentine is more resourceful than that.

Intel Report: Brotherhood

Note:This entry only appears after the Brotherhood of Steel arrive in the Commonwealth.

Brotherhood of Steel just showed up in a big way. Need to get some eyes there. Can't afford not to know their plans.

Irma's Terminal

Note:This desk terminal is located on the desk within the second floor bedroom of the Memory Den. It is locked Novice, although it can be accessed with Irma's Terminal Password.

Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
Here's to Good Times and Good Memories.

Client: Kent Connolly

All of his memories are about that Silver Shroud radio show he's always going on about. That reminds me, I keep telling him to keep all of his posters and toys inside his room. They always seem to spill out into the main floor.
Poor Kent. People may gossip about the Den taking advantage of him, but the truth is he's our biggest charity case. If I lived to be over 200, I know I'd be tired of the real world, too. What's the harm in letting him dream a little longer than the next fella?
Amari put in some safety settings into his Memory Lounger so he doesn't starve himself to death. Far as I'm concerned, if he wants to live out the rest of his days plugged in and occassionally waking up to eat and stare at his poster collection, that's his choice.

Client: Hancock

Mayor Hancock's memories are.. well, let's just say if you thought he was handsome and dangerous now, you should've seen him before he turned ghoul. And I thought I knew how to have a good time..

Client: Fred Allen

Fred Allen at the Hotel Rexford keeps coming in, high as the day is long. One day he comes in on Jet, and asks for a memory of him being on Buffout. He says it's 'for an experiment.'
Getting stoned on Jet, and then playing a memory of yourself being stoned on Buffout WHILE you're still stoned on Jet..
Well, you have to admire his committment.

Client: Clair Hutchins

Clair's memories are quite vivid. Amari says she must have 'one of those brains' with great attention to detail. Maybe that's why she's so meticulous.
Oh, and she sure had a cute husband back when she was younger. I can see why she misses him.

Client: Daisy

I love the irony of a staunch opponent of the Den coming in to sample the goods. Temptation. It gets us all in the end.
Reminder to myself: Daisy may not look it now, but there's a reason she's lived to be such a ripe, old age. Best that no one knows she ever came here. I don't need a reason for the hellion side of her coming out, looking for pay back.

Kleo's Terminal

Note:This wall terminal is located on the western wall of the second floor of Kill or Be Killed. It is locked Novice.

Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
Have a Plant to Kill Everyone You Meet

Contingency Plan: Daisy

Laser shot at long range. She is too close to home for outright assault to be viable without suspicion.

Contingency Plan: Hancock

Kill bodyguard first. Strangulation while she sleeps. Then load all doses of chems in the Old State House with poisons. Collateral damage possible, but losses acceptable without too much disruption to the business.

Contingency Plan: Neighborhood Watch

Wait until Super Mutant or Raider attack. High explosives at key areas of the defensive perimeter. Relocation necessary afterwards as Goodneighbor would be left vulnerable.

Contingency Plan: Bobbi

Sensors picked up digging sounds recently. Workers and guards being hired at high rates.
Wait until night. Sneak into hideout. Dismantle lights then kill one by one.

Contingency Plan: Whitechapel Charlie

Pay off one of his associates. Good help is so hard to hold onto these days.

Contingency Plan: Magnolia

A fellow working girl. Deserves a chance.
Burn down the Third Rail as a warning. If she resists after that, clean shot to the head.

Retrieved from ''
Aug 25, 2017

Fallout 4 Locations List

This guide as all the teleporting commands of the game.


  • coc Abandonedshackext
  • coc Abernathyfarmext
  • coc Andrewstationext
  • coc ArcJetSystemsext
  • coc AtlanticOfficesext
  • coc AtomCatsgarageext
  • coc BackBayext
  • coc BackStreetApparelext
  • coc BADTFLregionalofficeext
  • coc BeaconHillext
  • coc BeantownBreweryext
  • coc BedfordStationext
  • coc BigJohn'ssalvageext
  • coc BostonAirportext
  • coc BostonBuglebuildingext
  • coc BostonCommonext
  • coc BostonHarborext
  • coc Bostonmayoralshelterext
  • coc BostonPolicerationingsiteext
  • coc BostonPublicLibraryext
  • coc BoylstonClubext
  • coc BreakheartBanksext
  • coc BunkerHillext
  • coc C.I.T.ruinsext
  • coc CabotHouseext
  • coc CambridgeCampusDinerext
  • coc Cambridgecraterext
  • coc Cambridgeext
  • coc CambridgePoliceStationext
  • coc CambridgePolymerLabsext
  • coc Campuslawofficesext
  • coc Capsizedfactoryext
  • coc Caveext
  • coc Charlestownext
  • coc CharlesViewAmphitheaterext
  • coc ChestnutHillockReservoirext
  • coc Coastalcottageext
  • coc CoastGuardPierext
  • coc CollegeSquareext
  • coc Collegiateadministrationbuildingext
  • coc CombatZoneext
  • coc ConcordCivicAccessext
  • coc Concordext
  • coc ConcordSpeakeasyext
  • coc Corvegaassemblyplantext
  • coc Countycrossingext
  • coc Covenantext
  • coc CraterHouseext
  • coc CraterofAtomext
  • coc CroupManorext
  • coc CustomHousetowerext
  • coc CutlerBendext
  • coc D.B.TechnicalHighSchoolext
  • coc DarkHollowpondext
  • coc DartmouthProfessionalBuildingext
  • coc Decayedreactorsiteext
  • coc Decrepitfactoryext
  • coc DiamondCityext
  • coc DiamondCitymarketext
  • coc DrumlinDinerext
  • coc DunwichBorersext
  • coc EastBostonpolicestationext
  • coc EastBostonPreparatorySchoolext
  • coc EasyCityDownsext
  • coc EdgeoftheGlowingSeaext
  • coc EgretToursMarinaext
  • coc ElectricalHobbyist'sclubext
  • coc Esplanadeext
  • coc FairlineHillEstatesext
  • coc FallenSkybridgeext
  • coc Fallon'sdepartmentstoreext
  • coc FaneuilHallext
  • coc Federalrationstockpileext
  • coc Federalsupplycache84NEext
  • coc Fensstreetsewerext
  • coc Fiddler'sGreenTrailerEstatesext
  • coc FinancialDistrictext
  • coc Finchfarmext
  • coc ForestGrovemarshext
  • coc Forgottenchurchext
  • coc FortHagenext
  • coc FortHagenfillingstationext
  • coc FortHagensatellitearrayext
  • coc FortHagenTownshipext
  • coc FortStrongext
  • coc FourLeaffishpackingplantext
  • coc FraternalPost115ext
  • coc Garagealcoveext
  • coc GardenTerraceext
  • coc GeneralAtomicsfactoryext
  • coc GeneralAtomicsGalleriaext
  • coc GibsonPointpierext
  • coc Goodneighborext
  • coc Gorskicabinext
  • coc Graygardenext
  • coc GreaterMassbloodclinicext
  • coc GreenetechGeneticsext
  • coc GreentopNurseryext
  • coc Gunnersplazaext
  • coc Gwinnettbreweryext
  • coc Gwinnettrestaurantext
  • coc HalluciGenExt
  • coc Hangman'sAlleyext
  • coc Harbormasterhotelext
  • coc HardwareTownext
  • coc HaymarketMallext
  • coc HestersConsumerRoboticsext
  • coc HomePlateext
  • coc HopesmarchPentecostalChurchext
  • coc HubCityAutoWreckersext
  • coc HubrisComicsext
  • coc Hugo'sHoleext
  • coc HydeParkext
  • coc IrishPrideIndustriesshipyardext
  • coc JalbertBrothersDisposalext
  • coc JamaicaPlainext
  • coc KendallHospitalext
  • coc KingsportLighthouseext
  • coc LakeCochituateext
  • coc LakeQuannapowittext
  • coc LaytonTowersext
  • coc Lexingtonapartmentsext
  • coc Lexingtonext
  • coc Libertaliaext
  • coc ListeningPostBravoext
  • coc LonelyChapelext
  • coc LongneckLukowski'sCanneryext
  • coc Lynnpierparkingext
  • coc LynnWoodsext
  • coc MahkraFishpackingext
  • coc MaldenCenterext
  • coc MaldenMiddleSchoolext
  • coc Maldenpolicestationext
  • coc MaldenTownshipext
  • coc MassachusettsStateHouseext
  • coc MassBaymedicalcenterext
  • coc MassFusionbuildingext
  • coc MassFusioncontainmentshedext
  • coc MassFusiondisposalsiteext
  • coc MassPikeInterchangeext
  • coc MassPikeTunnelEastext
  • coc MassPikeTunnelWestext
  • coc Med-TekResearchext
  • coc MedfordMemorialhospitalext
  • coc MedicalCentermetroext
  • coc MiltonGeneralhospitalext
  • coc MonsignorPlazaext
  • coc Murkwaterconstructionsiteext
  • coc MuseumofFreedomext
  • coc MuseumofWitchcraftext
  • coc MysticPinesext
  • coc NahantChapelext
  • coc Nahantext
  • coc NahantOceanologicalSocietyext
  • coc NahantSherrif'sDepartmentext
  • coc NahantWharfext
  • coc NatickBanksext
  • coc Natickext
  • coc NatickPoliceDepartmentext
  • coc Nationalguardbarracksext
  • coc Nationalguardrecruitmentofficeext
  • coc NationalGuardtrainingyardext
  • coc NeponsetParkext
  • coc NH&MFreightDepotext
  • coc Nordhagenbeachext
  • coc NorthEndext
  • coc O'Neillfamilymanufacturingext
  • coc OberlandStationext|coc OberlandStation
  • coc OldCornerbookstoreext
  • coc OldGranaryburyinggroundext
  • coc OldGulletsinkholeext
  • coc OldNorthChurchext
  • coc OldRoboticsext
  • coc OutpostZimonjaext
  • coc ParkStreetstationext
  • coc ParkviewApartmentsext
  • coc ParsonsCreameryext
  • coc ParsonsStateInsaneAsylumext
  • coc Peabodyhouseext
  • coc PickmanGalleryext
  • coc PolicePrecinct8ext
  • coc PoseidenEnergyTurbine18-Fext
  • coc PoseidonEnergyext
  • coc PoseidonReservoirext
  • coc PostalSquareext
  • coc PrewarSanctuaryExt01
  • coc PrydwenHull01ext
  • coc qasmoke
  • coc Quincyext
  • coc Quincypolicestationext
  • coc QuincyQuarriesext
  • coc Quincyruinsext
  • coc RadioTower3SM-U81ext
  • coc Rangercabinext
  • coc ReconBunkerThetaext
  • coc redrocketext
  • coc ReebMarinaext
  • coc RelayTower0BB-915ext
  • coc RelayTower0DB-521ext
  • coc RelayTower0SC-527ext
  • coc RelayTower1DL-109ext
  • coc RevereBeachstationext
  • coc Reveresatellitearrayext
  • coc Roboticsdisposalgroundext
  • coc RoboticsPioneerParkext
  • coc RockyCaveext
  • coc RockyNarrowsParkext
  • coc Rookfamilyhouseext
  • coc Rottenlandfillext
  • coc Salemext
  • coc Sanctuaryext
  • coc SandyCovesConvalescentHomeext
  • coc SaugusIronworksext
  • coc ScrapPalaceext
  • coc Sentinelsiteext
  • coc ShawHighSchoolext
  • coc SkylanesFlight1665ext
  • coc SkylanesFlight1981ext
  • coc Slocum'sJoeCorporateHQext
  • coc SomervillePlaceext
  • coc SouthBostonext
  • coc SouthBostonHighSchoolext
  • coc SouthBostonmilitarycheckpointext
  • coc SouthBostonPoliceDepartmentext
  • coc SpectacleIslandext
  • coc StarlightDriveInext
  • coc SuffolkCountycharterschoolext
  • coc SunshineTidingsco-opext
  • coc Super-DuperMartext
  • coc superdupermartext
  • coc Swan'sPondext
  • coc Taffingtonboathouseext
  • coc TenpinesBluffext
  • coc TheaterDistrictext
  • coc TheCastleext
  • coc TheFensext
  • coc TheInstituteext
  • coc ThePrydwenext
  • coc TheShamrockTaphouseext
  • coc TheSlogext
  • coc ThicketExcavationsext
  • coc TrinityPlazaext
  • coc TrinityTowerext
  • coc TuckerMemorialBridgeext
  • coc UFOcrashsite01
  • coc UniversityPointext
  • coc USAFSatelliteStationOliviaext
  • coc USSConstitutionext
  • coc Vault-TecRegionalHQext
  • coc Vault111ext
  • coc Vault114ext
  • coc Vault75ext
  • coc Vault81ext
  • coc Vault95ext
  • coc Vertibirdwreckageext
  • coc WaldenPondext
  • coc Warwickhomesteadext
  • coc WattzConsumerElectronicsext
  • coc WaypointEchoext
  • coc WestEverettEstatesext
  • coc WestingEstateext
  • coc Westonwatertreatmentplantext
  • coc WestRoxburyext
  • coc WestRoxburystationext
  • coc WickedShippingFleetLockupext
  • coc Wildwoodcemeteryext
  • coc WilsonAtomatoysCorporateHQext
  • coc WilsonAtomatoysfactoryext
  • coc Workhouseext
  • coc WreckoftheFMSNorthernStarext
  • coc WreckoftheUSSRiptideext
  • coc WRVRbroadcaststationext
  • coc Yangtzeext

Nuka World

  • Dry Rock Gulch: coc NukaWorldWildWestGateA01
  • Galactic Zone: coc DLC04GalacticZoneExt
  • Kiddie Kingdom: coc KiddieKingdomExt
  • Power Plant: coc NukaWorldPowerPlantExt
  • Safari Adventure: coc SafariAdventureGate01
  • Fizztop Grille Patio (Near Bed): coc NukaWorldNukaTownUSA07
  • Bradberton (Town): coc BradbertonExt
  • Bradberton Overpass: coc BradbertonOverpassExt
  • Evan's Home: coc DLC04POIBB14
  • Grandchester Mystery Mansion: coc DLC04GrandchesterMansionEXT
  • Morton Residence: coc DLC04POIBB04
  • Nuka-World Junkyard: coc DLC04JunkyardExt01
  • Nuka-World Power Plant: coc NukaWorldPowerPlantCheckpointExt
  • Wixon's Shovel Museum: coc DLC04POIBB10

Far Harbor

  • Dalton Farm: coc DLC03DaltonFarmExt
  • Echo Lake Lumber: coc EchoLakeLumberExt
  • Longfellow's Cabin: coc LongfellowsCabinExt
  • National Park Visitor's Center: coc NationalParkVisitorsCenterExt
  • Aldersea Day Spa: coc AlderseaDaySpaExt
  • Acadia Observatory: coc AcadiaObservatoryExt
  • Acadia (Interior): coc DLC03Acadia
  • Beaver Creek Lanes: coc BeaverCreekLanesExt
  • Briney's Bait and Tackle: coc DLC03POI14
  • Brooke's Head Lighthouse: coc BrookesHeadLighthouseExt
  • Children of Atom Shrine: coc DLC03POI24
  • Cliff's Edge Hotel: coc CliffsEdgeHotelExt
  • Cranberry Island Docks: coc Dlc03poi04
  • DiMA's Cache: coc DLC03MQ06DigSiteExt
  • Eagle's Cove Tannery: coc EaglesCoveTanneryExt
  • Eden Meadows Cinemas: coc EdenMeadowsCinemasExt
  • Fringe Cove Docks: coc FringeCoveDocksext
  • Glowing Grove: coc DLC03POI39
  • Haddock Cove: coc HaddockCoveext
  • Harbor Grand Hotel: coc HarborGrandHotelExt
  • Horizon Flight 1207: coc HorizonFlight1207ext
  • Kitteredge Pass: coc KitteredgePassext
  • MS Azalea: coc MSAzaleaExt
  • National Park Campground: coc NationalParkCampgroundExt
  • National Park HQ: coc NationalParkHQExt
  • Northwood Ridge Quarry: coc NorthwoodRidgeQuarryExt
  • Nucleus (Children of Atom): coc NucleusExt
  • Oceanarium: coc DLC03POI54
  • Radiant Crest Shrine: coc DLC03POI12
  • Rayburn Point: coc RayburnPointExt
  • Rock Point Camp: coc RockPointCampExt
  • Ruined Church: coc DLC03POI37
  • Ruined Radio Tower: coc RuinedRadioTowerExt
  • Southwest Harbor: coc SouthwestHarborext
  • The Last Plank (Bar): coc DLC03FarHarborLastPlank
  • Waves Crest Orphanage: coc DLC03POI45
  • Vim! Pop Factory: coc VimPopFactoryExt
  • Zephyr Ridge Camp: coc ZephyrRidgeCampExt

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  • All Fallout 4 Guides!

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